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Résultat(s) de recherche : 11

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As imagined by Leonard Cohen, hell is an apartment in Montreal, where a bereaved and lust-tormented narrator reconstructs his relations with the dead.
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L'humour de Julian Barnes, tout au long de ce voyage où il nous entraîne à travers l'univers de Flaubert, ne se dément jamais.
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Jazz is a 1992 historical novel by Pulitzer and Nobel Prize-winning American author Toni Morrison.
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It is 1969 and James Bond is about to go solo, recklessly motivated by revenge.
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In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Burma Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle's young wife two
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Arthur and George grow up worlds apart in late nineteenth-century Britain : Arthur in shabby-genteel Edinburgh, George in the vicarage of a small Staf
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film and the Holocaust
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The year is 1972. The Cold War is far from over. Britain is being torn apart by industrial unrest and terrorism.
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Oslo, novembre 2004. Un bonhomme de neige apparaît mystérieusement dans le jardin de la famille Becker.
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LivreNon disponible
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The story begins with a little girl who makes a wish one Snowy night and ruins her life.
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